The Center is dedicated to constantly updating a referral database to provide essential help for our clients. Available services are provided on center cards and given to clients for the following categories:
- Medical Help
- STD Testing
- Physicians
- Transportation
- Abuse
- Legal Help
- Housing and Shelter
- Clothing, Furniture and Food
- Help with Utilities and Rent
- Alcohol and Drugs
- Counseling
- Education
- Other Crisis Pregnancy Centers

There are also recommendations available to assist the mother in obtaining child support. The man who got her pregnant must help support their child if she decides to parent the baby. The law says he must help even if he offered to pay for an abortion. The Child Support Office can help locate a non-custodial parent, determine the father of the child (paternity), establish and enforce child support orders, review and adjust child required payments, and collect the support. Neither federal nor state data can predict the statistical likelihood of collecting child support. In fact, a significant number of parents provide child support for their children outside the Attorney General’s child support program. However, for those parents who do not support their children despite court orders for child support, the Office of the Attorney General provides enforcement services.
The objective is to provide as many services as possible at our Center and refer to other well researched agencies for additional assistance.